HESA Alternative Return Changes for 4.35
The following change has been made to the HESA Alternative Return for 4.35:
The Student Instance FTE can field now accept values with one decimal place (for example: 99.5) ranging from 0.0 - 300.0.
Service Pack 1 Changes
The following changes have been made for 4.35 Service Pack 1:

The following fields have been added to the HESA Only Details section of the Learner Details screen for users with a valid EBS4HESAALT licence:
APEL Credits
Care Leaver
Credit Points Count' Towards Study
Credit Scheme
Parental Education
Socio Economic Classification

The following fields have been added to the grid in Learner Manager for users with a valid EBS4HESAALT licence:
APEL Credits
Care Leaver
Credit Points Count' Towards Study
Credit Scheme
Parental Education
Socio Economic Classification